This aged well

By rugs - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while moving, I asked my wife where she put the alcohol. She told me she threw it out, because it was old. It was Scotch. It's supposed to be old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 161
You deserved it 5 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her since she thinks old things are usless, you're going to toss her in the trash if she keeps aging.

sweetdreams999 0

lmao wow you wife must really not be a drinker.


only one way to find out. i recomend u start with something lite. so just find someone who makes moonshine and ask for peach moonshine. thats the really lite stuff.

I dont drink alcohol so i dont know how that feels, painfull?

fyourlife1990 0

malfoy? no malfoy looks as though his hair is hair is a bit different.. he has a longer face and is British, I'm pure American... and btw, at least I have a picture,unlike you

yeah, you look like a pig version of malfoy, smush face.

there's no such thing as "pure American". I mean, unless you're 100% Navajo or Cherokee or something...

lickmyjock 0

looks like eminem poser lol

52, by that logic there's no such thing as pure *anything* because all people theoretically originated from the same source. If you can trace back a couple generations of Americans I'd say it's safe to call yourself pure American. I'd call myself pure American as well.

Your life is f'ed because your wife threw away your scotch? Should be fyl for being an alcoholic..

sweetdreams999 0

dude if it was an expensive bottle I'd be pissed too.

Seriously? Having a bottle of scotch warrants being called an alcoholic? I must be a raging one 'cause I've had a half empty bottle of rum in my freezer for 2-3 weeks now...

chillinAK 9

I bought my husband a 200 dollar bottle when he returned fro deployment almost two years ago and we would still have it if we didn't have to go through Canada lol. he's NOT an alcoholic.

Irraesh 2

dude aged scotch is amazing. 20 year old scotch goes for 100 dollars a bottle. its not for alcoholics, its for people who enjoy some good tasting stuff! now if you drink nasty shit just to get drunk, your an alcoholic.

Well. I'm betting you didn't marry her for her intellect. Still.... such a waste...

woooord ur 12 wit the name sexy beast lol I'm sorry but there's nothing sexy bout a twelve year old haha ur sus I shud slap u 4 that. HA!

you're not sexy either....  and you never know, 12 year-olds could be sexy, and it's just a USERNAME. It's not like it's his real name, so leave the kid alone.

OK #33, here's what I can get from your post: "*word, *you're 12 with the name sexy beast. LOL. I'm sorry, but there's nothing sexy *about a *twelve-year-old, haha! ["ur sus"?! WTF is that supposed to MEAN?!] I *should slap *you *for that. HA!" Come on, man, if English is your first language, you should be ashamed. If it's not your first language, you should STILL be ashamed because that was beyond pathetic.

someone just got served... If you're critizicing a kid for "being immature" I must say that if this was an immaturity contest, you'd win. Oh, and please learn to type correctly how you're supposed to, because not everyone understands text language...

I'm 12 and * is an internet meme, she's probably not 12