This aged well

By rugs - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while moving, I asked my wife where she put the alcohol. She told me she threw it out, because it was old. It was Scotch. It's supposed to be old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 161
You deserved it 5 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her since she thinks old things are usless, you're going to toss her in the trash if she keeps aging.

sweetdreams999 0

lmao wow you wife must really not be a drinker.


beer>wine>tequila>rum>vodka>whiskey>scotch but all time favorite is the 40oz malt MICKEYS! but i would never throw out any alcohol that ***** retarded

throw out her wedding dress cos its 'old'

stedfastwolf 11
dmipotc 0

Actually once scotch is in a bottle it doesn't age at all (i.e. doesn't improve in taste), hence why they print "x year old" on the bottle: age only matters for how long it is left in the cask. It also doesn't get any worse so, true, she shouldn't have chucked it but "its supposed to be old" is a false statement.

dealerdon 0

thankyou ur the only smart drinker on here but if he cracked the seal it would start to get worse over time

newmxr 0

no! how could she i'd kill her lmao

Liana4ever 4

aww.... you'll get through it drunky :3

LOL your wife.. well you married her, what can i say. If/when i make myself someones wife i hope i'm never am like this. My rule is, always ask the person when you're throwing something out... then go in kitchen and make sammiches for all :) . [only because i'll expect my husband to make sammiches for me too]

rule 1: never waste good scotch, rule 2: "native Americans" were just the first immigrants, Pangea bitch...

BitterLoser 0

Talk about alcohol abuse, what a skeez, either cut her or get a pair of her favorite shoes, sell them, and buy more scotch problem fixed