This Charming Man

By PLU - 27/01/2011 00:57 - Canada

Today, I met my boyfriend's brother. When he saw me, he whispered into my boyfriend's ear, "So, this is your bitch eh? Nice!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 966
You deserved it 5 717

Same thing different taste

Top comments

atleast the "nice" was thrown in there... :-

"Your bitch?" People still use that phrase? I thought it died along with "Hater" when 2010 ended. Oops, guess I was wrong.


PeaceLoveKayleig 0

ugh...seiously? no one really cares...this isn't even any reason to f your life about! I hate when people post stupid FML's... :l

jake040 3

I saw bitch "EH" and then saw it was from Canada. I loled

jake040 3

I saw bitch "EH" and then saw it was from Canada. I loled

I'd rather be called a bitch compared to anything! So stop complaining he said 'nice' so that means your cute!