Thoughts and prayers

By poordog - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my best friend was texting me about her sick dog. She wrote, "Do you think she will get better?", so I wrote, "I hope she does." It wasn't until later that I realized I accidentally wrote, "I hope she dies" instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 551
You deserved it 9 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

klalalo 0

am i the only one who thought this was hilarious???

Oh ouch! Definately start proof reading, especially important messages.


starshine3987 0

That's a favorite. No question.

asdfghjkl834 0

its okay, i send stupid texts like that allll the time, then when i re-read my sents for the day and i see it, i say wow, why didnt i read that before i sent it. its all good, im sure your friend will understand

wow did she reply?or shoot you in the face?!?!

BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. this is sooo sad... but extremely funny. I laughed so hardd ... I cried. lol. you made my day. :)

Lol just shit in my pants laughing! I hate mistap.

also my favorite 112!! HAHAHA!!! pooor girl.. and dog...:( but yeah 114. op really should chek before sending anything:)