Thoughts and prayers

By poordog - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my best friend was texting me about her sick dog. She wrote, "Do you think she will get better?", so I wrote, "I hope she does." It wasn't until later that I realized I accidentally wrote, "I hope she dies" instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 551
You deserved it 9 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

klalalo 0

am i the only one who thought this was hilarious???

Oh ouch! Definately start proof reading, especially important messages.


PistenDeer 0

Yeah those typos... I being too close to O... Like X being too close to C. I once texted my friend "sec" but then realised I typed "sex". She now thinks I'm a pervert.

That's not that bad. One time, I texted my friend "Come go down on my sweet wet vag" because I was horny. She he drove to my house and attacked me and destroyed my downstairs with a huge *****. And he took pictures, and I shoved those in my vag and we played "Find the Vag Pictures in my Vag while Not Wearing Gloves". So you see, this was just an accident. MY VAG WAS RUINED FOREVER. Consider yourself lucky.

KiwiDingo 0

this FML is also on the damnyouautocorrect website -.-

I was emailing my friend and he was going over to someones house who had a crush on me and I sed 'tell him I sez hi' and it kept saying sex and thats how it got sent tell him I sex hi