Thoughts and prayers

By poordog - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my best friend was texting me about her sick dog. She wrote, "Do you think she will get better?", so I wrote, "I hope she does." It wasn't until later that I realized I accidentally wrote, "I hope she dies" instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 551
You deserved it 9 414

Same thing different taste

Top comments

klalalo 0

am i the only one who thought this was hilarious???

Oh ouch! Definately start proof reading, especially important messages.


Your friend more than likely realized it was a typo, because they would of tried to rationalize why you said something so terrible, and then come to the conclusion that dies and does are only 1 letter apart, and even if they did think you meant dies they would of texted you back asking you why you're so mean, but because you said you realized it later on they must have ignored it bc they knew you meant does, funny of fml, but when you think about it you shouldn't worry too much...

necomni 0

hahahaha I do this too. like "kill" instead of "kick" and stuff.

160 characters...thats all you have to do, check 160 characters (at most). Its not like they're in a random order either, they're generally arranged into logical groupings known as 'words.' If you're too lazy to check a few dozen words, at most (since each english word is, on average, 5 characters long), then you probably shouldn't communicate at all.

my phone allows me to send as many characters as i want it will just show up in multiple text messages

And...? Each message is still only 160 characters at the most.

same thing happened to me today!! but I was talking to my friend about her husband. I put "I hope he dies" instead of does. but I caught it before I sent it.

Hanban 0

OMG This made me laugh out loud. Sorry for being a sadist. XD

BAHAHAHAHA! Fail. Check for typos next time before u send it

biancster 0

sorry but lol that's funny hope the dogs okay though

sometimes I hate my iPhone because it'll randomly change words the funny not so funny part is it's always words that make what im saying really really bad lol