Dropped out

By Anonymous - 25/06/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom - Doncaster

Today, I lost one of my best friends because he has an insecure girlfriend. He just stopped contact completely out of the blue. Two other close friends died in the last few weeks as well, and I'm so heartbroken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 552
You deserved it 86

Same thing different taste

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That’s unfortunate and you have my condolences of your other close friends’ passing. Unfortunately if he was truly your best friend he wouldn’t give up the friendship and if his girlfriend is acting so insecure so that she would force him to abandon you then it won’t last fwiw. So it’s probably best to find new friends that would act like an actual friend. Hope you find some new friends to make new memories with.


That’s unfortunate and you have my condolences of your other close friends’ passing. Unfortunately if he was truly your best friend he wouldn’t give up the friendship and if his girlfriend is acting so insecure so that she would force him to abandon you then it won’t last fwiw. So it’s probably best to find new friends that would act like an actual friend. Hope you find some new friends to make new memories with.