Time wasted

By theunborn - 19/06/2012 16:42 - France - Vic-fezensac

Today, my parents made a list of all the things they could have done had I not been born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 859
You deserved it 3 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make a list of things you would do AFTER you throw them in the old house...

I tried to justify what the parents did but it couldn't be done. Fyl Op


I have two kids- I know that there are plenty of things that I could have done with my life if I didn't have them, but I know that they make my life meaningful. Even if your parents have a list, I'm sure that they didn't mean to offend you. My advice is to talk to them and tell them how you feel. Hopefully they'll understand, after all- you are their child :)

Wow! **** your parents! I can say, from knowing for myself, that IF your mother would have miscarried you, She (maybe your father as well, I personally lost father of baby as well) Would be wondering what her/their lives would be like with a child, you. Wondering what diapers she would've used, what clothes she would've bought, etc. Just **** YOUR PARENTS That is ****** up! Smile, you're alive, do something Great with your life and rub it in their faces!! Ha!

They only think they could have done all those things, OP. In reality though, it's very likely they wouldn't have done any of that, and probably would've been even less productive. If people really want to do something, they'd find a way to do it, even if a child makes it harder for them. There is a big difference between hard and impossible. It's like dreaming about a weekend without having specific plans. You imagine you'll be doing all sorts of things when you have a break from work, and when it finally happens, you just spend the weekend sleeping. It's not like they had a specific plan in place and a child interfered with it. They might as well be dreaming about how different their lives would've been if they had a different education or moved to a different city. A child is only one of those choices. They're blaming their current state of lives on taking a wrong turn on the road in their wandering, while they should be blaming their own lack of direction. Having said that, I wonder how you learned about that list. Did they do it in front of you?

linkinpark98 23

Wow...That is messed up. If they are so bummed about it, they should have learned how to use a condom.

YDI for being born relax I'm being sarcastic. thats pretty harsh

Aking2198 0

thats mean especially that they told you . Nothing is worse then rude parents FYL

linkinpark98 23

Maybe homicide, rape, and war... But whatever, it's your opinion.

1crabbygirl 10

If you think it's tough learning how to show gratitude from your parents, just wait and let the world instruct you. They love you more than anyone else in the world ever will. Suck it up.

I can think of plenty of people who seemed to love me more than my parents and treated me better. Shut up.

And you can make a list of all the homes your thinking about putting them into for the future

Worst parents ever! Hopefully the list wasn't that bad.