Time wasted

By theunborn - 19/06/2012 16:42 - France - Vic-fezensac

Today, my parents made a list of all the things they could have done had I not been born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 859
You deserved it 3 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make a list of things you would do AFTER you throw them in the old house...

I tried to justify what the parents did but it couldn't be done. Fyl Op


ganjaone 2

Just let them know that they forfeited all aspects of their life the moment they had you. Im sure they will understand......

knight0748 5

A list? My parents wrote a book...

Bonzer 2

As for your sweet revenge, start compiling a list of joyously insane things you'll do when you move out of your parents' house, OP.

Remind them you didn't ask to be born, they asked or decided to have you.

That's rather hurtful. They could make a list of things they would do after you move out of their house or go to college or when they retire etc... You were born, what's the point of /what ifs/ now?

alshygirl 14

Awww well you didn't choose to be born. That was kinda their "fault"

yomamaOo 2

Make a hole in their condoms make them regret another kid