Time wasted

By theunborn - 19/06/2012 16:42 - France - Vic-fezensac

Today, my parents made a list of all the things they could have done had I not been born. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 859
You deserved it 3 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Make a list of things you would do AFTER you throw them in the old house...

I tried to justify what the parents did but it couldn't be done. Fyl Op


citymayer 7

Well it's their fault you're here!

bmboente15 0

Just remind them of all the good things that have happened

Well, when you move out, there's their chance.

So when they're in a retirement home, assume being lonely and never getting visits from their child was on that list.

olpally 32

Sounds like you're Meg from family guy... :( Fyl indeed, op.

So..., family guy is acceptable, but the use of the word **** isn't? Explain your logic

olpally 32

I wasn't mean when I commented this... I was just comparing op to Meg from family guy, because that stuff always happens to her in the show and i was very sincere with my comment...However, calling someone a c**t over the internet is completely uncalled for and just flat out mean... It's called common sense and courtesy, I made a sensible comment...that person made a very unreasonable attack on someone who made a very a harsh joke... Name calling over the Internet is stupid... That's my logic, if it's flawed, I'd like to know.. Thanks.. Comparing someone to Family guy is a lot better then calling someone a f**king c**t over the Internet.. Don't you?

olpally 32

So do you, elenasbrazilian :D

I hope for your sake it's a short list, if not, barricade your door. FYL.

It doesn't because i know they don't mean it i Don't take everything seriously.And I'm pretty sure a lot of parents have these t

Bonzer 2

Dafuq? What is going on in your head while you're typing?

This, children, is what happens when you snort unicorn semen. Now move along to the next idiot exhibit.

Most Young patents have that list. Not as a bad thing but it's hard to take a small child white water rafting. Or on a cruise where the adults can go party.