Tiptony Buskertano

By Jesus - 21/04/2009 14:39 - United States

Today, I was playing guitar on the sidewalk and had my guitar case open for tips. A man came up with a folded piece of green paper, smiled and walked away. After I was finished, I looked at my tips. I unfolded the paper, it was a note that said "You suck!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 989
You deserved it 11 457

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's not really a tip. "You suck. Get lessons" would work.

Nobody disrespects Jesus..not on my watch (And if there are any of you who say my comment is completely irrelevant, than check the Username...and for those of you who think it's stupid, i don't care)


Why is it so weird to people that somebody could have once had money for a computer and now is short on cash and is looking for other ways to pay the rent? I'm amused that the guy carries around greenish pieces of paper just to insult street musicians with. Mean Pedestrian FTW!

SingForAbsolutio_fml 0

Dude, he probably has dyslexia of the ears, don't sweat it and just keep practicing. work your scales and practice your timing and you will be better before you know it #78: using guitar hero for lessons is like using your mom for a fun night, get help

Lucky19 0

#31 and #77 are right, if you need to play for money on the street then there are more productive things to do with it than spend money on a computer/spend time in an internet café posting an FML story.

Keep practicing, man! Don't let some random douchewad get you down!

Yeah, I always thought Jesus would be a good guitar player. Keep practicing!

you guys; some people play just for the love of playing, and if they can get some money from it..all the better i'm not religious you guys..in case anyone is going to strike the comments of #12 or #27...which are by me :) peace to this ridiculous argument? Have no idea what #61 wrote..but it looks massive...and the fact that i said something just randomly made someone have to spend at least 6.5 minutes writing something to prove a point kinda makes me feel bad. (not really)

I don't really think this is a FYL, yes it's a little disheartening to have someone tell you that you suck at something, but at least he didn't shout it out in front of like a hundred people. Think of the bright side, now you know you need practice, and if you ever decide to play in front of large groups of people, you won't get booed off stage.

#61: I just wanted to tell you that I appreciate your taking the time and effort to write such a great essay that I didn't read, and to let you know that no one else read it either. Cheers!

SynysterV17 3

Dude I play guitar as well and have had a similar situation **** what he says keep playing and don't listen to people who think you suck

FeedtheBrood 0

Ahh, the life of a musician.