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By Maria39018 - 01/08/2009 18:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I decided to be totally honest with each other. We even told some of our deepest, darkest secrets, in hopes of strengthening our relationship. He told me he had a diaper fetish, and would love to see me in one. There goes my sex life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 560
You deserved it 13 723

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, don't knock people's fetishes. There are much, much weirder ones. Be lucky he's got one that's easy to do and not THAT messed up. And what's the big deal? Yes, it's a tad weird, but there are worse.


Anon17564 3

Lovely close-mindedness here. The OP disgusts me for immediately jumping at this and spitting in the face of her boyfriend's courage.

i agree actually, you asked for honesty, and then post it on FML after he decides to be courageous and tell you the truth. That's pretty messed up.

It could be worse... actually no, it couldn't.

Actually yes, it could. Name a random object you see in front of you right now. Someone somewhere most likely has a fetish for it.

omgznoes 0

why did i just look at my ipod?

Sucks_to_be_you 0

thats o funny man you just made my day **** the OP. dude you asked for honesty and he told you one of his deepest secrets. obviously its not a necessity for him because he didn't tell you about this before. If you just said no i bet he would never bring it up again. suck it up bitch.

Chocolate_Chunk 2

171, just because I know the artist and he's awesome, that's from darkdoomer and is an iRiver. (FML doesn't like the link, but he's on deviantart, the image is his "webcam image" on the userpage and you can find the sketch and the followup image in the gallery)

So he tells you his deepest, darkest secret and you put it on the internet. Not cool

You asked for his secrets and you got them. You shouldn't ask something like that unless you're prepared for the worst responce. Oh and just cos he has that fetish doesn't automatically make him a paedophile. Plus he's not gonna force you to wear one is he? F his life for having a girlfriend who doesn't love him no matter what. All you needed to do was say you're not comfortable with doing it and leave it at that.

So he tells you his deepest, darkest secret and you put it on the internet. Not cool

wtf you dont just tell his deepest darkest secrets to the world on FML, i hope he reads your post. YDI

So....let me get this straight. To better your relationship and open honest conversation between the two of you, you both told your deep, dark secrets to each other. And, rather then giving him support in regards to his (because surely having that fetish can't be easy, if he has to hide it in such a way), you go ONLINE to tell god knows how many people about his fetish? If I was him and found out about this, I'd dump your ass faster then you can even say 'fetish.' He told you that in confidence - not so you could blab about it! **** HIS life.

Herbal_fml 0

I agree. Fetishes are things you can't control, and it's something he told her in total confidience, thinking his girlfriend would be supportive. But no, she decided to be immature.

ImFree17 0

Wow. Come on now. "She decided to be immature"? I would be like "WTF" too if someone,, even my boyfriend,, said they wanted to see me in a diaper!! But at the OP: I wouldn't know how to respond to him saying that.. Guys seem to like my fetish lol...

She can be "WTF" about it and NOT post it to millions of people. The OP is kind of a bitch anyway. "There goes my sex life" wtf is that supposed to mean? Just because he has a fetish doesn't require you to put on a diaper for him to get a boner. Jesus.

She is immature because rather then just flat out telling him the idea of it does nothing for her, and she would rather not be involved in that particular fetish - she goes on FML posting about it, and even makes the comment of 'there goes my sex life.' That does not show maturity, not in the slightest. Hell, there are things my BF may have an attraction and/or fetish for that I would have a distaste for - but being mature about it is talking to him and discussing the idea, rather then doing bitching that basically amounts to 'waaaah, my boyfriend is a FREAK!'

OMG!! She posted it online for a bunch of strangers to read! Her bf's life is ruined!!!!!! :::rolls eyes::: All we know is that OP is from Massachusetts and her name is Maria.. not going to easily trace that back to her bf so his secret is pretty safe. It would be a million times worse if she ran and blabbed to all their mutual friends.

Your completely wrong lexi. You have no idea how easy it is to find people on the internet with just a name and a state. I've done it...multiple times just to see if I could. And @ OP: Not **** your life, **** your boyfriends life.

Today, my girlfriend asked me to share my darkest secret with her, and so I hesitantly revealed that I enjoyed the idea of adult babies, and would like the chance to dress her up as one. She freaked out, and is now refusing to have sex with me. FML I would have called the girl a bit of a close-minded twat for her prudishness alone, but the fact that she reacted like this after they agreed to reveal their most personal secrets to each other really makes her a bitch. What was she expecting? Every guy has at least one unusual kink, and I can't imagine how humiliating it would be to finally muster the courage to share such a fact with the person closest to you, and then experience that kind of rejection. F His Life indeed.

Get him to change dirty diapers, lots and lots of dirty diapers. I'm sure that'd put a stop to his fetish! Don't know where you'd get the baby/ies though... but nevermind.

You're acting like the fetish is hurting someone and needs to be stopped.