To each his own

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Absecon

Today, my boyfriend took me home for the first time. His place was covered in Insane Clown Posse stuff, even the toilet bowl. He's an undercover Juggalo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 423
You deserved it 4 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Even the toilet bowl? Well, on the bright side, you know he can commit to some things.

I hope you don't have a fear of clowns lol


juggalospyder 3

Really. You're giving shit over him being a lo. Instead of judging us because we are Juggalos look at us for who we are. In fact you've been dating one of us and haven't had a problem. So no not **** your life. You deserve to be miserable if you can't get over a label on someone. And on us being a gang. The FBI recanted that.

My fiancé is a juggalo. Doesn't bother me

ariellove1992 8

My bf is Juggalo. Its not that bad

Icp!! Whoop whoop!! Never leave him marry him

Why does it matter? He has his own interests and you have yours. If you really love him you wouldn't make a big deal about it.

Do not believe everything you hear on TV and all the hype. ICP is a Christian band that promotes Brotherhood and unity. Some of the best people I know are Juggalos.

caysters 12

Bullshit. I've heard the lyrics. How is that at all anything Christian? There is NOTHING Christian about their music. And a Christian would never sing that shit.

you must not have read the lyrics to "Thy Unveiling" (sorry for the typo im a lette who just got done working a 13 hour as a cna HELPING people amd i dont have autocorrect.

That was an unofficial attack by Juggalos and not something that was officially sanctioned by ICP. As much as she deserved it, it was discouraged. Unfortunately just like any band there are people that promote it wrong.