By unholy shit - 23/01/2012 22:33 - United States
Same thing different taste
By amazed - 18/04/2012 23:08 - United States - Frisco
To each his own
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Absecon
By Gayeveryday - 15/04/2012 04:12 - Canada - Truro
By Overprotected - 19/06/2013 14:39 - United States
By areyoukiddingme - 07/01/2013 06:09 - United States
By ihatemyparents - 22/01/2011 20:20 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/11/2013 18:56 - United States - Roanoke
By Sally - 13/07/2010 09:22 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/05/2012 21:56 - Sweden - V?llingby
By Anonymous - 14/12/2010 23:24 - United States
Top comments
hardcore ICP's normally just a phase
This FML really disturbed me

Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayNot too sure about that one 32.

It was my asshole of a friend who thought, so he took my iPad and wrote. My apologies.
It was trust me. I can't post that kind of stuff cause of my place of business.
The first thing i thot of when i saw this was the workaholics episode with the juggalos.
I thought it was "fag wagon". And yes, it is.
I don't see why everyone hates people for doing that. Yeah, maybe you don't like that music. Maybe you're not an ICP fan. That doesn't mean you need to immediately hate juggalos and in general just be dicks towards people who do like ICP. I'm not a juggalo nor someone who insults them, but I think it's bullshit that people can get away with insulting people based off of their preferred types of music under the circumstance that the music isn't too popular (Dubstep, ICP, etc.)
Accident. My apologies on that one too.
81, I don't think anyone is insulting them because their music of choice is not popular, but rather because the overwhelming majority of them can't even string together a coherent sentence. I've met a couple who were far from the complete idiots that seem to represent the "culture", but it's kinda hard to argue with statistics. Just go to one of their concerts and you'll see what I mean. That said, I don't hate anyone just because their taste in music differs from mine, and I think most of everyone else here doesn't truly hate them either. It's just fun to joke around.
81, in the case of Dubstep, it's annoyingly too popular. The reason people group and judge others like that is because the fact they like music that seems strange to outsiders is because of their culture. Dubstep fans can be easily classified because the remixes are so bad that they are only liked by subsections of already stereotyped age groups. ICP fans do the same thing. Most are fat, most wear ICP makeup, most think ICP did it before KISS, most like shitty music (ICP), and most rage at guest singers during annual juggalo parties. That's all because of the culture ICP fans come from. TL;DR blame juggalo society that juggalos are retards.
Oh, and they don't know how magnets work.
81- when there is a group as idiotic as ICP, it becomes ok to insult those who support them. Musicians who talk about drugs and violence influence kids to do those things, and that group is one of the worst. Plus, it is questionable whether a lot of music nowadays can actually be considered music at all.
As a Juggalo, myself, I can honestly tell you that we only EVER wear any amount of clown make up for when it's called for (i.e. concerts, photo opprotunities, gatherings, ect.). We know plenty about science (and if you'd actually listened to Miracles, you'd know the magnets thing was a rhetorical question and they were implying that science & magnets was a miracle). We're not "mostly fat", and we wear a band shirt as often as any other fan of any other band, and it's actually quite rude of both you & OP to assume all Juggalos are mean and socially/mentally challenged. TL;DR, We're fans of a band, that's it, trust me. It's not a lifestyle. It's a band. A HORRORCORE band at that (it means they get paid for being "shitty" and freaky).
A juggalo is someone who can eat monopoly and shit out connect four.
I'm pretty sure that was the point.
I like ICP and their music, but I would no way become a Juggalo. A juggernaut, maybe.....
What is a juggalo? Let me think for a second Oh, he gets butt-naked And then he walks through the streets Winking at the freaks With a two-liter stuck in his butt-cheeks. Does that answer your question?
Iintense icp fans
What is ICP?
For one you stupid lil ****** maggot ****** icp does NOT influence any one to drink or do drugs I happened to be a juggalo some time ago and never did any of that shit so one you can go to hell
I don't really see the problem. Well, my parents aren't juggalos, but everyone can have their musical taste right?
I love miracles. Magic and shit
Get a life
People who are good at keeping multiple objects in the air at once.
They're the people that threw shit at Tila Tequila, right?
Juggalos aren't just ICP fans. they're CRAZY ICP fans and officially a gang.
I agree totally :) I like ICP and I listen to them but I'm nit a juggalette. I listen to eminen too lol. But I listen to anything and everything :)
I agree totally :) I like ICP and I listen to them but I'm nit a juggalette. I listen to eminen too lol. But I listen to anything and everything :)
It'd take me a lifetime to explain what a Juggalo is to you -.-'',
I assumed jiggalos that juggled while performing their *ahem* duties. I presume not.
Ugh.. I do not like these juggalo's. Sooo dumb. Ohh did I mention the terrible music?
**** you 95 what the **** did Mormons do to you. it's been so ******* degraded by south park it's not even funny any more Mormons are some of the nicest people I know and while I don't share their view points on religion, I'd rather my parents be Mormon and not juggalo, Mormonsare not polygamists that is fundemental Mormonism, my sheriff is Mormon and would kick your ass. hating someone on their religion is just as wrong as any other profiling including racial profiling so **** you asshole
Hey Pokeroots. It's your opinion, but you should shut the **** up. I bet you're one of those Mormons who think that anyone who trashtalks them has to be annihilated by your 'intellect'. Go **** yourself, you butthurt pussy.
this fml is much more disturbing when you confuse " jiggalo" for jugaloo
Best name ever OP.
On a name scale of one to ten ( Keith being 1) what would you rate it?
Over 9,000
Well that's pretty good mate. But what's stoping it from being over 10000?
Chuck Norris.
^ Win.
Betty white...
Hope op isn't afraid of clowns.. That would have been awkward.. -.-
Let's hope they are just. CLOWNING AROUND. Needless to say, that sucks OP and I'm sorry for you.
Look at he bright side, you'll save money on your water bill cause juggalos don't shower often.
Juggalos are actually misrepresented quite a bit. I saw a documentary focusing on the people themselves and they seem pretty nice. They're made up of people who have been bullied and discriminated against because of their tastes, so they stick together like glue. To them, family and friends are the most important things. I was actually quite surprised to see how tolerable they were. They accept anybody, regardless of personal beliefs. Sure they have some bad eggs, but so does every group. I'm not a Juggalo, but I hate to see people judged unfairly
I youtubed icp. Really wish I hadn't.
Lol had to google what a juggalo is, that's hilarious
Maybe they will keep the fridge stocked with faygo, can't all be bad.
It's time to disown your parents. Seriously, just back away slowly then run and don't look back.
Then, Hotwire a car and just keep driving till you reach the edge of the world.
They aren't trying to be typical clowns, if they just wanted to do that then they'd probably take their asses to the circus, it's not that difficult to do. It's just a style that they base their music off of, and apparently works quite well for them. Maybe, just maybe, people have different tastes in music than you, and maybe there's a chance that they should be able to listen to whatever the hell they want. But hey, that's just me.
I think 85 is a juggalo in denial...
Juggalo in denial? Nah. I like a few of the songs, I'll admit, but I'm not too big a fan. Personally I focus more on classic rock and/ or metal
Yea to bad any Juggalo would **** your shit up in no time. What ever happened to freedom of speech and freedom of religion? We live out lives how we want to and i guarentee, that if i walked up to you, you wouldnt have the balls to say shit. Or any Juggalo really. Say it to Violent J or Shaggy Two Dope. They'd **** you up quick. Thier nice. Id kill you.
^ Threatening to kill people because they don't like your music or think a lot of you guys are violent thug bastards? Yeah, that'll ******* help your image, ********. Oh, and learn some basic grammar for ****'s sake.
Very few people are hating on OP's parents for the type of music they like. I think it has more to do with the extent to which they've taken their fandom. There's nothing wrong with playing RPGs, but people who wear capes and armor in public while talking about slaying dragons get made fun of. Listening to ICP is fine, if you like that kind of stuff, but if you go around in clown make-up and make it a lifestyle, you're inviting people to s*** talk. Plus, I think anyone who doesn't enjoy a particular type of music being stuck with parents who live it every minute deserves a little sympathy. What if your parents suddenly decided to blast opera music all day?
Your PARENTS?... Holy Moses..
Nothing ventured nothing gained? Or some shit like that

What are 'Juggalos'? :(
Sure. Let's go with that, #39.