By hurricane0331 - 24/06/2010 01:51 - United States

Today, a 75 year-old lady drove into me. Her excuse was, "I wasn't looking." Awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 119
You deserved it 3 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I ran into some guy before... my excuse was that I'm a girl and girl's shouldn't be driving. He liked it.(:


FFML_314 11

Lol, that was incredibly random. Thank you Paige for the random entertainment :)

superbadd 0

bet u would like it if he sucked urz

hahaha for some reason this reminds me of the southpark episode where all old people get their licences taken away :D

YDI look for cars when you step out on the f'in road

dude your a creeper pig gtf out of here with you **** fohawk.

the_Flirt 0

damn take a joke I'd like to see ur pic u nerd