By hurricane0331 - 24/06/2010 01:51 - United States

Today, a 75 year-old lady drove into me. Her excuse was, "I wasn't looking." Awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 119
You deserved it 3 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I ran into some guy before... my excuse was that I'm a girl and girl's shouldn't be driving. He liked it.(:


emschick10 0

I agree with 168. old people are the cause of most accidents where I work.

maddie1 0

lmao! old ladies r the best!

blackllama 0

I love old people they can spend as much as they want and do whatever they want because they're going to die soon. how did you know she was 75?

sprawlguard 0

Chuck Norris does not wear a condom. Because there is no such thing as protection from Chuck Norris!!

JokeMeister 0

Don't discriminate, punch her as hard as you would any 20 yr old. I am sure she would appreciate the sentiment.

GetaLifePlease 0

allstate are you in good hands?

ben110 0