By hurricane0331 - 24/06/2010 01:51 - United States

Today, a 75 year-old lady drove into me. Her excuse was, "I wasn't looking." Awesome. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 119
You deserved it 3 303

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I ran into some guy before... my excuse was that I'm a girl and girl's shouldn't be driving. He liked it.(:


fakeking2 0

mmm were u in a car or on foot? o.o

I drove into a 75 year old once...oh you meant in a car. My bad

I hate old people who think that just cause of their age, they could get away with anything:/ pedestrians have the right of way, that doesn't change for any driver, regardless of age.

............thanks............I think...........

tboudre 0

this would be the only situation where i would be angry at the elderly person. other than that, they are nice people who want to live life well.

old woman drivers, a thousand times worse than just women drivers...

pop_a_squat 2

At least she was being honest.