By Anonymous - 05/05/2014 21:03 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, a bird got into the walls of my house through a hole. I located where it was by following the chirping and scratching sounds, and drilled a hole to get it out. I pulled out the drill, only to find the drill bit bloody. Suddenly, no more chirps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 209
You deserved it 18 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

grogers311 20

Well, you tried to do the right thing...

It probably would've died soon if it was stuck in your walls anyway.


It was probably a long and painful death too.

No one deserves that. At least you were trying to help the poor bird. I had a family of raccoons living in my walls and it took a month to convince my mother to believe me. Finally got someone to come in and get them out and two of the babies had died.

Why did you drill the hole in the exact spot you heard the chirping and scratching...? Well at least you tried to help.

Op could have drilled in the surrounding area and the bird moved.

Name it Petey and sell it to Billy? "Pretty bird, yeah, can you say pretty bird? Pretty bird, yeah pretty bird… Polly want a cracker?"

Job well done! You played a game called FIND THE BIRD an you WON!!

I accidentally clicked the you deserved it option, sorry for that, I don't think I can undo it. Good effort trying to get the bird out, try not to beat yourself up for it. If it happens again, put the hole a distance away from the bird and shine a flashlight, it might notice the hole and go through it to get out. You didn't mean to kill the bird, just remember that you tried your best. Don't regret trying to help, regardless of how sad the ending became. It would have died in the wall, you tried to save it, and that's noble of you.