By Anonymous - 05/05/2014 21:03 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, a bird got into the walls of my house through a hole. I located where it was by following the chirping and scratching sounds, and drilled a hole to get it out. I pulled out the drill, only to find the drill bit bloody. Suddenly, no more chirps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 209
You deserved it 18 362

Same thing different taste

Top comments

grogers311 20

Well, you tried to do the right thing...

It probably would've died soon if it was stuck in your walls anyway.


PassiveAggresive 12

"Today, I was flying like usual when I randomly decided to go through a hole in the wall of some human's house.. now I'm stuck and I hear something approaching. FML"

feel bad for you? **** that i feel bad for the bird.

I don't see why this is negative in points.

If the bird got into the walls of your house through a hole, why did you dig a new hole instead of widening the existing hole so the bird could fly back out?

It could have gotten into the wall from the outside. inside walls are much easier to fix than outside walls. I'd rather just plaster over and repaint the hole than replace siding.

Well, that's one way to get it to stop chirping.

Oh that's so sad :[ well at least you tried to save them. It's thw thought that counts right?

martin8337 35

You, OP, are a bird murderer!! Do you honestly believe a court is going to buy the "valiant hero trying to do the right thing" spiel? Yeah, good luck.

Yea I'm sure the bird's family is going to get the cops on OP's ass immediately.

I think he was making a joke. A pretty bad one, but a joke nonetheless.

A love story between the drill and the bird, so romantic.

Not really sure if this love story is better than twilight :(