By notsofriendly - 06/11/2014 20:15 - United States - Austin

Today, a character in the video game I was playing called my character a slut. My boyfriend ripped the controller from my hands, shot him dead, then fired the rest of my ammo into his corpse while yelling "FUCK YOU, BUDDY!" Good to know I'm dating a total lunatic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 804
You deserved it 7 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LaColombianita 26

At least he doesn't let people say shit to you. That was nice of him to have your back.

He's the kind of guy you want in the zombie apocalypse.


Looool he was probably trying to be chivalrous- BUT he failed!

At least you know he won't let anyone slander your good name.

Sathane 21

This would be an awesome vine video. :D

That is exactly what I woulda done...nice job buddy

SydLovesLacey 18

Dude, he's hilarious. Keep him!