By Shannon - 19/06/2014 00:58 - United States - Dearborn

Today, a customer called the restaurant I work at to ask if our coupons were always valid, or if they expired on the expiration date printed on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 041
You deserved it 5 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually totally valid. Loads of places accept coupons after their expiration date.


I once had a customer ask if our Chicken Burger was vegan. I've also worked in Yellowstone NP and dealt with; what time do you turn the geysers off at night? Can my son/daughter push the button for Old Faithful? Are you sure the animals are not animatronic? My family and I drove around the park loop before taking the (free) tour, and we saw the same things on the tour I want my money back! etc. Hooray for stupid customers!

That's a valid question a lot of places will take expired coupons

Okay, that's actually valid, there are a few restaurants as well as clothing stores and grocery stores that accept expired coups back where I'm from.

Bluebl4ze 16

How does this **** ur life OP ?

bmiller79 17

Happens all the time. I actually had someone cuss me out because I wouldn't take her expired coupon.

There r stupid people everywhere and the bad part is they breed

A lot of retail stores including bed bath and beyond ignore expiration dates. Grocery stores are starting to as well. I'd like to jump on the stupidity bandwagon, but if someone is use to dealing with these places, it doesn't hurt to ask to see who else has this policy since they aren't super well known.

FireFlie07 20

Some like Bed Bath & Beyonds never expire even though they have a date listed on then. So it's not really that stupid of a question

Coupon expiration goes from state to state (whether or not they are able to expire) so if you work at a national chain that question is actually valid. If not, just another tally to the "reasons to lose faith in humanity" column