By Shannon - 19/06/2014 00:58 - United States - Dearborn

Today, a customer called the restaurant I work at to ask if our coupons were always valid, or if they expired on the expiration date printed on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 041
You deserved it 5 002

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually totally valid. Loads of places accept coupons after their expiration date.


How is this an FML? Really. All the person did was ask a stupid question and all of a sudden your life is ******? Weird.

bloodangel1973 8

I wonder what these people were doing when God was handing out brains.... Probably sleeping.

To be fair, we take coupons at my work, regardless of expiration date.

It doesn't hurt to ask, and some businesses are a little finicky with their coupons at times

Not such a bad question. There are plenty of places I frequent that will take coupons long after the expiration date.

The restaurant I work at is still accepting coupons, even if they're expired. :I

Hahaha seriously who even bothers to ask something like that... But, I work a side job at Subway and we are now required to accept expired coupons AND coupons from other companies!-.-

I wonder if they got the coupon from a big yellow chicken.

Ah a server's life. At least you get a good story out of it