By tmi. - 01/11/2012 13:52 - Australia

Today, a customer smiled, looked me in the eye and described to me in graphic detail the swelling that occurred to his nuts after his vasectomy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 057
You deserved it 1 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is he nuts? It takes balls to talk about something so personal with a stranger. FYL, that's weird as heck, should've.... cut him off.

zingline89 18

If you're a pharmacist, not so terrible. If you're a 15 year old girl working the drive-thru window at McDonalds, FYL.


I work at McDonald's, and I've had a customer tell me about how they had four adults in one house, two bathrooms, everyone had diarrhea, and they were out of toilet paper..good god, I'm a burger flipper, not a bartender.

Some guys will use any excuse to talk about their junk. "Nice day today!" "I have this lesion on my penis. Doesn't hurt, but it bleeds sometimes." "That's, uh...nice?"

FYLDeep 25

Shit like that happens when you work in a hospital Doc. It would be like a mechanic bitching about how everyone always seems to bring up problems they're having with their vehicles in conversations.

Oh, you wouldnt believe how things get messed up down there, my balls were probably double the size the first day or two!! Let me know if you would like more details. ( like what the nurse said when she came in)

amerikaninfidel 2

Lol, I once dropped the call bell on someone's!

sweetmama88 6

Omg no one has no more manners ! Why on earth would some guy talk about there nuts , probably there nuts them selves. sometimes men can be terrible, they have no idea when to shut there mouths . just plan down right aweful .

raraisbang 12

Just another example of why grammar is important, guys...

RedPillSucks 31

This has been a public announcement from raraisbang, "Conan" the grammarian.

Your profile says you are 23... Please take the time to learn the difference between there, their and they're...

It's not only grammar, it's the spelling too! It's as if I'm watching a bad B grade horror film.

wildsweetchild 19

Judging by the way it's written, most likely 37 is a foreigner. No need to be harsh, but a simple correcting of the mistakes can be very helpful. Welcome to FML community 37 ! If you'll be here long enough, your grammar can improve as well (if you'll pay attention) ;)

raraisbang 12

65, it says they're from New York, and they aren't really that new. Could still be a foreigner, but could also be they just don't care about their mistakes.

RedPillSucks 31
amerikaninfidel 2

Lol, one of the craziest things about working in a hospital as a dude is having to deal with the severally swollen scrotums of patients. We have little jock strap supporters that we sometimes have stuff the sack into!

skyeyez9 24

I can understand if you were a doctor or a nurse and he told you that. Something tells me you probably work somewhere like a bank or restaurant when that weirdo shared this info.