By tmi. - 01/11/2012 13:52 - Australia

Today, a customer smiled, looked me in the eye and described to me in graphic detail the swelling that occurred to his nuts after his vasectomy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 057
You deserved it 1 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is he nuts? It takes balls to talk about something so personal with a stranger. FYL, that's weird as heck, should've.... cut him off.

zingline89 18

If you're a pharmacist, not so terrible. If you're a 15 year old girl working the drive-thru window at McDonalds, FYL.


my2centsworth 15

If you'd posted from Michigan, I'd have thought you spoke to my brother. Perhaps you found his doppelgänger in the southern hemisphere.

CandyDolll 7

On a random note I have had this account for a little bit over a year and never really comment. I hope you dont encounter this akward situation again.

Describe in detail the symptoms you had when you developed hemorrhoids and the color variations of your stool. Then say, "Ooh and the smell, that story is for another day.. (pause..) anyways, would u like some chocolate mousse for a dollar more , sire" (Btw- this tactic wouldn't work with us docs --- u can't creep us out with any conversation about pretty much anything -- one of the perks of going to med school)

delicious69 5

I know how bad that hurts first hand but I still wouldn't talk to a stranger about it. Fyl sorry you had to hear that.

muffinXmonster 12