By Anonymous - 24/07/2014 21:23 - United States - Annandale

Today, a customer threatened to smash my face in because I wouldn't give him a veteran's discount on a donut. He looked like he'd eaten his way out of fat camp, and it seemed the only action he'd seen was fighting his way into a lard factory. Still, he swung fast, and I now have a black eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 488
You deserved it 17 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you said that to him, I'd punch you too.

I think what a lot of the commenters are missing is the fact that it's a DONUT. It's not accommodation, or basic food, it's a luxury. If he can afford a donut he can afford full price.


superdom 12

Hope you contact the police that's assault

So you decided not to give the discount because of his weight? TDI for bring a jerk. You aren't the friggin donut police.

You deserved it. It is not your job to judge are selling donuts for god's sake. How much would the discount have been...50 cents maybe? Quit power tripping over donuts and coffee.

For the record, most people in the armed forces have to work out everyday. what do you think happens when they get out and stop? they gain weight from eating the same way not realizing their metabolism isn't as fast as it was. side note: how very god damn judgemental of you. You need to realize that anyone in the military fights for you rights to apparently be a judgemental dousche. very disgusted.

The last time someone in the American military fought for their rights was WW2 and even then you're stretching it.

in reply to #212, I thought I was the only person who realized that.

middlenamefrank 8

Really? You went on FML to defend being a douchebag? Y totally DI. And a couple more.

A lot of veterans come back from service with PTSD and some of them put on a lot of weight. YDI for fat shaming that man who has probably suffered far more than you know.

night_saint 5

I would've had him arrested, veteran or not.

CyberGothic 16

Please tell me you called the cops and had his worthless backside arrested and charged. Being a veteran doesn't give you a free pass (and yes, I am a veteran).

He probably didn't have proof of service, or the store didn't offer a discount.

mattmsk005 8