By Anonymous - 24/07/2014 21:23 - United States - Annandale

Today, a customer threatened to smash my face in because I wouldn't give him a veteran's discount on a donut. He looked like he'd eaten his way out of fat camp, and it seemed the only action he'd seen was fighting his way into a lard factory. Still, he swung fast, and I now have a black eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 487
You deserved it 17 973

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you said that to him, I'd punch you too.

I think what a lot of the commenters are missing is the fact that it's a DONUT. It's not accommodation, or basic food, it's a luxury. If he can afford a donut he can afford full price.


pssh a donut a luxury? they're like 50 ******* cents who cares

regardless of if this man really is a veteran & whether he deserves a discount, OP clearly has no respect for those who fight for our country. he should've done worse then give you a black eye.

I'm a veteran and I know a lot of shit bird vets that act like heroes when they're really whack jobs. I don't give blind respect to fellow veterans just because they served. Respect is earned. Some people lie about being veterans! You did right OP to honor store policy and you're the hero in this situation. Hopefully you pressed charges. If he's truly a vet there's medical care for his angry violent ass.

You are a ******* jerk fit saying that. If i heard that i would hit you too

Or he could have shown you his veterans ID.

Anyway veteran discounts seem to be a relatively new thing. Many places give discounts to active duty and you show an active duty ID card. I think for veteran discounts we should see their DD 214s to see what type of discharge they earned.

Personally, I think OP is rude for saying such red things about the guy. Just say he's fat. And the guy is rude as well, veteran or not.

cjwayy 22

Just give the man a damn doughnut.

That wasn't the problem. The problem was someone being a cheap asshole.

If he was a veteran then maybe that's how he deals with the horrors he's seen. Just a thought