By luvmypony - 26/08/2013 05:51 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, a customer wanted a military discount for buying two 39 cent Slim Jims. I work at an auto parts store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 565
You deserved it 3 743

luvmypony tells us more.

I can't give discounts on something so cheap. company policy

Top comments

jgriff79 23

You should have gave him the employee discount. Two for .78 cents.

**** no. I hope not. I believe in respecting the men and women in military, but this is bullshit.


icie2491c 7

Most businesses will no longer provide Military discounts to dependents. Unless the cashier in unfamiliar with what an actual military ID looks like then most dependents will not receive the discount. Which should be enforced, as dependents are not the military member therefore are not entitled to the benefits. It's like getting a spouse who is coming onto the military installation, and she expects a salute..... uh no sweetheart you aren't that important.