By luvmypony - 26/08/2013 05:51 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, a customer wanted a military discount for buying two 39 cent Slim Jims. I work at an auto parts store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 565
You deserved it 3 743

luvmypony tells us more.

I can't give discounts on something so cheap. company policy

Top comments

jgriff79 23

You should have gave him the employee discount. Two for .78 cents.

**** no. I hope not. I believe in respecting the men and women in military, but this is bullshit.


It's about 10% usually. Helpful to those with lower incomes, similar to a senior discount.

theduder2013 5

So...there's a limit on a military discount?

Well he just wants you to know he fought for you so he deserves the discount

Shut up. He has been rewarded enough for signing his life away, he doesn't need a discount on a 39 cent item... Unless, of course he's too lazy to get a job.

hcollins1 18

Also, not everyone that joins the military ends up fighting in the war. I know plenty of people in the military that has served for years and has not been sent to war. My father had served 20+ years and hasn't fought in a war, and he also does not go around demanding his military discount either. If I'm with him and I have to show my I.D. For and item and pull out my military I.D he tells me to stop being difficult and just use my drivers license.

assassinbanana0 20

OP didn't tell the guy to fight for our country. That was most likely the guy's choice So what you said, #40, is completely irrelevant to OP

martin8337 35

I've seen people pay for like items with ebt then drive off in a hummer with two seadoos on trailer. Some people earned discounts others expect handouts.

Martinez0285 28

I think seadoos is now my favorite word

Some of us so deserve a break. Yes we signed voluntarily and can barely live. Sometimes it's a decision on what gets paid every month. While others don't do anything but get handouts and live in big nice homes and have one or two new vehicles and are given not just money but food stamps also.

Not every store offers a military discount. If OP's store did, it probably wouldn't have been an FML because it'd be no big deal, but I'm guessing this was a situation where the store did not offer a discount and the customer argued that he wanted one anyway, and the FML is that the customer argued with him over about 70 cents.

What's the big deal with him asking? This is one of the dumbest FML's so far.

myeviltwin 20

Um no he did not sacrifice his life as he is still alive. He definitely served this country and potentially could have been placed in harms way. But to demand a discount on a $0.39 item does seem to be cheap and pretty classless. Also I am sure the employee has no control over whether or not to grant said discount.

phaidetublacke 7

I come from a family of a hard core Marine father and if anyone honors the military and the sacrifice a service man or woman and their family makes especially for a lifer it is me. But any really honorable service man or woman would not even ask for a discount on so low a ticket item. Pathetic; it dishonors the uniform and everyone who wears it to be so cheap. Just because you suited up does not give you a free ride the rest of your life. All service men and women should take pride in their service; not what discount they can scam from an auto parts store. I think my dad just rolled over in his grave; and I really this hope this guy was Air Force not a Marine. (Just kidding on the Air Force line! ::) On a side note, my father never asked for a discount and he was grateful when someone honored him with one. Key word: they honored him for the duty he rendered; not the other way around. --Phaide

Amen 50. I don't know if we have military discounts on most things in Canada, I've never asked. I've had lunch paid for, and that was more than enough. I'm going to assume your dig was towards the USAF and not the RCAF, since I have no witty comeback to the offspring of a Marine haha.

When I lived in Esquimalt BC, lots of places advertised military discount. I don't think it's as common as in America but in military towns, there is often a discount.

The best way to make fun of Marine's kids is to ask them if they were carried to term inside a Navy person's belly. It pokes fun at the fact that most Marine gear for decades was second hand/borrowed from the Navy. Hence the 'My Ass Rides In Naval Equipment' joke on the MARINE t-shirts.

@50: Thank you, I thought I was the only one thinking this, after looking through all the comments...