By Anonymous - 24/03/2013 21:33 - United States - Lutz

Today, a few months after my co-worker had stopped wearing her engagement ring, I decided to put on the moves and start flirting with her. I soon found out that her fiancé had died, and that she's nowhere near over him, despite her brave face. I feel like a total asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 167
You deserved it 25 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TorisaurusRexxx 10

Well then offer her comfort. Who knows? You may make her happy and things could build to a relationship. Just let her heal.

Now your next step should be just to comfort her. She needs it whether it looks like she does or not.


onorexveritas 23

To be honest, if she'd just broken up with her fiancé, she'd still be upset and not really ready for people to hit on her like that anyway. YDI.

Good man for waiting till the ring was off before making a move. If you're that respectful, waiting till she's ready to move on should be no problem. Otherwise, you don't really deserve her.

icepick23 12

Don't feel like an asshole, you had no way of knowing. Jut offer her comfort. Who knows where it might lead?

"gonna have to cut back on that one"

connersmom 4

Comfort her and let her know that you are there if she needs to talk. Let her know she is not alone and that you are sorry for her lose

Comfort her into having sex lol sounds like a plan