By Anonymous - 24/03/2013 21:33 - United States - Lutz

Today, a few months after my co-worker had stopped wearing her engagement ring, I decided to put on the moves and start flirting with her. I soon found out that her fiancé had died, and that she's nowhere near over him, despite her brave face. I feel like a total asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 167
You deserved it 25 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TorisaurusRexxx 10

Well then offer her comfort. Who knows? You may make her happy and things could build to a relationship. Just let her heal.

Now your next step should be just to comfort her. She needs it whether it looks like she does or not.


Always check the neck my friend, she will be wearing the ring on a chain around her neck! While you are looking it pays to check for the Adam's apple, u don't want to ad to your problems!

not your falut i mean you got her a couple of months.

As a guy, you sometimes have to deal with these issues. You are blameless.

mokielove 10

its not like you knew. I feel for her, though its sad. and your not a Dick .

Sort of torn - if you could notice her engagement ring on or off, at least try to be a gentleman and ask briefly what happened before busting moves. But there's also no way you could have anticipated something that serious to have happened. I will vote FYYDLI. :U

Well at least you feel like an ass hole. Thats more than what some guys would feel

ahh man that sucks, not like you could help it, since nobody had warned you. on the upside, she may have learned from this that there are still other men out there to make her life a bit brighter.

MythsNLegends 10

Nothing you can do about not knowing that. Backing off and/or just being a friend is the best thing you could do now.

You didn't know. Don't worry about it. You could send her some nice flowers and say sorry about her loss.

Maybe you should've gotten closer to her and showed her that you care by actually finding out why the engagement ring was gone? Like just to make sure she is single, and that she's okay before you jump into making the moves. It's always best to find out if the girl is on the market or slightly interested in you before making any sort of move because if we don't show interest, we genuinely am not interested. Having said that, it's not entirely your fault and you seem like a caring person so cant say it's entirely YDI or entirely FYL.