By Anonymous - 24/03/2013 21:33 - United States - Lutz

Today, a few months after my co-worker had stopped wearing her engagement ring, I decided to put on the moves and start flirting with her. I soon found out that her fiancé had died, and that she's nowhere near over him, despite her brave face. I feel like a total asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 167
You deserved it 25 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TorisaurusRexxx 10

Well then offer her comfort. Who knows? You may make her happy and things could build to a relationship. Just let her heal.

Now your next step should be just to comfort her. She needs it whether it looks like she does or not.


She's not technically a widow if they weren't married yet. It's still sad, but your terminology is off.

There is no proper term for someone who has lost their fiancé, widow works just as well as anything. Stop being a cow, at least garrett1999 is being compassionate.

You could stand to learn a thing or two from the pick up artist known as mystery.

Not your fault, but now you have an opportunity to comfort her, and see where it goes.

Bad_Bre 10

you didn't know. Not your fault. But you can help her too even if she's not over him

don't blame yourself! you're not really an a-hole when you barely know what happened!

Quiet_one 22

There's no reason to feel like an asshole- you waited months after you noticed the ring was gone (a real asshole would pounce in the first few days), you didn't know it was more than just a regular break up, and by your reaction here I'm guessing you apologized and backed off pretty quickly. As long as you don't go back and do it again you've done nothing wrong.

Get her some flowers and tell her you were unaware and you're sorry (:

Hey you didn't know. You are not at fault. It's fine. If you really like this girl you'd help her go through this. Other than that don't feel bad.

You didn't know. If you knew he died you'd be an asshole but it was an honest mistake, you're in the clear.