By Anonymous - 24/03/2013 21:33 - United States - Lutz

Today, a few months after my co-worker had stopped wearing her engagement ring, I decided to put on the moves and start flirting with her. I soon found out that her fiancé had died, and that she's nowhere near over him, despite her brave face. I feel like a total asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 167
You deserved it 25 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TorisaurusRexxx 10

Well then offer her comfort. Who knows? You may make her happy and things could build to a relationship. Just let her heal.

Now your next step should be just to comfort her. She needs it whether it looks like she does or not.


You aren't asshole, you just tried to make her not lonely.

looney_mc 4

Bro get in there, she will need some c**k soon

Matticus5000 5

If it is something as serious as an engagement, then they obviously had a strong bond. You never want to be too hasty with things like that. Apologize to her and ask her out, innocently, for something like coffee/tea. Try and be a friend to her. If it leads to a relationship, cool. If it doesn't, you each at least have each others friendships. :)

You really should have asked why she wasn't wearing the ring, not just instantly started flirting with her. YDI.

Come on, it's not like you knew! You aren't an asshole.

Dude, since she was engaged, you were friend-zoned a LONG time ago. Whether her fiance was alive or dead, you'd have no chance.

Now you should try to confort her, or atleast try make it look like you're not a total asshole...BTW, you got FRIENDZONED, so no, you have no chances with her.

I would say you deserved it, but I still feel bad for you:/ that sucks, but you could have asked or found out some way before that>.

I don't see how you could have known this, although hopefully you were planning on getting to know her a little before hitting on her in a major way! It takes different people very different times to get over the loss of a partner but she could definitely use a friend so just try to be one and maybe things will develop when she is ready.

You shouldn't feel like an asshole. To be fair, the majority of people I have known only take off the ring after they are over whatever happened and ready to move on. You had no way of knowing what was going on.