By roxyriley - 07/12/2009 09:30 - United States

Today, a friend of mine and I were talking about how hygienic we are. She mentioned she hadn't shaved her downstairs in a while. I was looking at the computer when she said this so when I turned to look at her I saw she had pulled down her pants and underwear. I was face to face with hairy muff. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 752
You deserved it 4 088

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously, as long as you bathe, body hair is perfectly normal. Sure society says its EWWW GROSS but grow the **** up people. Stop being thirteen.


nothing wrong with all natural but I see your straight lol awesomely funny

squid93 9

I love the all natural look and feel of a hairy bush on a woman, love to feel it against my face as I play!

r u gay or something? vag to the face does not =fml

wintamint101 7
D37H100 5

"you're muff cabbage" ha south park.

vareladj97 0

Eww well at least her cuch was clean hopefully