By tailgaterhater - 17/08/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, a girl was tailgating me, even though I was going at speed limit. Annoyed, I drove 10 mph under the speed limit, and every time she honked, I went 5 mph slower. Too bad she got the last laugh… I was pulled over for "reckless driving." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 996
You deserved it 47 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always keep in mind you get ticketed for going too much under the speed limit. Yup, your fault.

You don't police the roads. You were probably some ass cruising in the passing lane. If someone's annoying you, just let them pass so both of you can get on with your lives.


Honestly, I hate people like you. Jusy because you drive the speed limit doesn't mean people should keep a big space between them and you. For all you know, that woman could have been late for work, and your dumbassery would have made her later than she would have been. Next time, don't continue to piss off an obviously angry driver. Just get the **** out of the way.

Are you retarded? It's against the LAW to drive too close behind someone! Do you know how many crashes are caused by tailgating?! Have fun explaining to the police about how you were "late for work" when you get caught tailgating after you rear end someone you ignorant prick.

I wouldve brake checked that bitch till she hit a guard rail

People like you are the reason people get extreme road rage. That was just plain stupid, YDI. Edit: At least she didn't purposely rear end you, or cause you any bodily harm.

I agree with your method but you probably should've set a bottom limit speed

You're the asshole driver in this situation

kev1029 22

Ya know, for everyone who says this person is an idiot and stuff. By law there is no minimum speed limit. The only road with a minimum speed limit, BY LAW, is an interstate.

should have slammed your brakes so she would hit you. she would be at fault and would have to pay for any damages. Not the correction action I know but, if someone was annoying me this much I'd be very tempted to do it

100% your fault, you should've at the very least just kept your speed or just drop it barely

Garrett22222 5

sounds like you got what you deserved maybe next time you should get over for faster moving traffic