By tailgaterhater - 17/08/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, a girl was tailgating me, even though I was going at speed limit. Annoyed, I drove 10 mph under the speed limit, and every time she honked, I went 5 mph slower. Too bad she got the last laugh… I was pulled over for "reckless driving." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 996
You deserved it 47 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always keep in mind you get ticketed for going too much under the speed limit. Yup, your fault.

You don't police the roads. You were probably some ass cruising in the passing lane. If someone's annoying you, just let them pass so both of you can get on with your lives.


I hate people like you. It is not your job to control how fast other cars drive. Move over, or pull over, and let them pass.

I usually drive with the traffic (which is almost always 5-15 mph over the speed limit), but I won't go much faster than that, especially if I'm in the right lane. If someone's tailing me there, I'll usually slowly drop down to the speed limit to show them that I was actually going over, and that they could pass me and get in the fast lane if that's what they really want. Tailgaters are the most obnoxious, dangerous assholes around! Hate them. If they can't learn to obey the speed limit or at least follow what others around them are doing, they deserve to swerve off into a ditch.

First of all, this is stolen. Second of all, you are lame for stealing it. Third of all, I hate tailgaters too, but I also dislike people who go way under the speed limit. Keeping up with the traffic does not always mean you have to go the speed limit, and officers know that too. Don't think you're witty for trying to teach someone a lesson. It's dangerous and not very smart.

I hope you encounter my friend's M5 with the cushioned license plate area. He would just push you forward until you hit another car.

Why do people never just freaking pull over to let someone by? YDI

mouseintern 0

Turnouts are there for a reason on single-lane roads. Left lanes are only for passing on multi-lane roads. If someone wants to pass, simply move over. It isn't your business whether they want to speed or not. Let law enforcement handle that.

Colors_fml 0

You deserved it. I HATE people who purposefully annoy others. Some of us get terrible road rage. Next time just pull over.

brilliantbarbie 0

Really?? and what the hell is tailgating?? PURPOSELY annoying the person in front of you off, is it not?? Just because YOU have road rage, and want to get somewhere faster doesnt give you a right to annoy me either, so what exactly is your point?? It works both ways, biddie. Just because you're a self important bitch with road rage doesnt give you a right to call me purposely annoying because I was doing the speed limit, its called driving, and your the rude bitch behind me with the road rage. So STFU

slower traffic keep right you dumb bitch

you're not the police, it's not your job to punish people who want to speed. let her pass you and get on with your life.