By tailgaterhater - 17/08/2009 04:44 - United States

Today, a girl was tailgating me, even though I was going at speed limit. Annoyed, I drove 10 mph under the speed limit, and every time she honked, I went 5 mph slower. Too bad she got the last laugh… I was pulled over for "reckless driving." FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 996
You deserved it 47 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Always keep in mind you get ticketed for going too much under the speed limit. Yup, your fault.

You don't police the roads. You were probably some ass cruising in the passing lane. If someone's annoying you, just let them pass so both of you can get on with your lives.


murcnaw 0

Both drivers were wrong and either one could have been cited. I have a North Carolina DMV driver's handbook laying around and it says two things: "Driving at a high speed is more dangerous because each additional mile traveled per hour reduces the driver's ability to control the vehicle. Speed also increases the likelihood that a crash will result in serious injury or death". "Studies show that the vehicle moving at a speed considerably below the posted speed limit is much more likely to cause or be involved in a crash than the vehicle moving at a normal speed". The front car should have just kept to the posted speed and they wouldn't have been in the wrong. On a normal day I do leave ten minutes early to make sure I get to my appointment on time. But I will still sometimes get behind some ass who is doing 5 under the speed limit who slows down even further to take curves or go over a hill. Behind that slow driver, if there is traffic coming, a double yellow line, or a curve ahead, I have to be stuck behind them until one of us turns or I get two lanes. It's annoying. And on the interstate I sometimes go 7 mph over the speed limit on cruise control. I'm in the far right lane and not even keeping the pace of the rest of the drivers. When I am in the left lane, I've often had to pull over to the right to let people tailgating me pass when I was doing 75-80 in a 65mph just keeping pace with traffic. There are different styles of drivers out there but I think this isn't a FML. The original poster got what they deserved.

who the **** drives the speed limit other than chinks?

tuppySEALs 0

speed up then do a brake check. if she rear ends you then she is at fault.

Sam_Cellist 0

these are the facts: 1. tailgating is dangerous to you and to others 2. speeding is dangerous to you and to others 3. going too far under the speed limit is illegal and also dangerous to you and to others 4. backing off of the car in front of you by 2 seconds won't get you to where you're going any slower 5. speed limits are there for a reason: to save your life

pommeblossom 0

YDI, especially because you copied someone with this post. are exactly the person i hate getting stuck behind...... ever stop to think that some people are LATE and are in a hurry?? if someone is tailgating, just get the hell out of the way

I can't stand people that tailgate! When I used to speed I didn't drive so close to I couldn't see their license plate. That's why you pass slow drivers.