By notlaughing - 18/04/2013 13:57 - United States - College Park

Today, a girl was telling me how she was very stressed over her parents' divorce and moving away to another part of the state. While I was listening, I started choking on my saliva. She thought I was laughing. She hasn't spoken to me since. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 132
You deserved it 7 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As someone who regularly chokes on their own saliva, I feel your pain. FYL

Don't get all choked up over this, OP. Things will get better soon.


Wizardo 33

Make the effort go up to her a give her a sincere and understanding explanation of what went down, then hug her and she'll feel all fuzzy inside, its all good, peace and love man, peace and love :)

BellaBelle_fml 23

This made me feel like I was in a '70s therapy session.

Wizardo 33

That was sort of the point, its all groovy baby, love not hate maaaaan @.@

BellaBelle_fml 23

You did a good job in getting the desired effect! Not many people can do that successfully in a comment or text. I say Bravo! :)

Wizardo 33

Thank you duuuude, I'm getting like all positive energy from you maaan @.@

BellaBelle_fml 23

And that was the point of my comment. I'm glad we had this little chat. The more positive energy the better! :D

Wizardo 33

Exactly, spread the love maaan, the world can never have enough. Peace duuude :))

I'm confused as to why she's so convinced that you were laughing? Did her mom leave her dad after walking in on him having sex with a sad face clown? That's the only reason I'd ever laugh at a divorce story. Otherwise I can't think of a reason why she wouldn't believe you.

Your comment made me visualize sex with a sad face clown. And it was hilarious. Well played!

Just give her time to cool off and then apologise again. If she doesn't accept she's not worth your time.

That sucks, you deserved it, but at least she is moving away so you don't have to deal with her.

How did he deserve it? That happens. It's not like he asked for it.

BellaBelle_fml 23

Oh boy; 1.) It is annoying when you accidentally choke on your saliva when speaking, especially if it is during a more serious conversation such as the one in this situation. And it can sometimes hurt your throat a little bit. However, saying that people deserve bad things to happen to them for doing that is ridiculously silly and rather immature. People can't really predict those types of things. Or prevent them from happening even if they could. I don't think it would be considered rude or even much of a faux pas really. 2.) "…at least she's moving away so you don't have to deal with her." Umm…ok? The OP never said, or even made any sort of a suggestion, that he was irritated or that he didn't really want to be listening to her talk about her problems. No, he was doing what friends do for each other. He was being supportive by listening and letting his friend vent a little about some of the struggles she is facing at this moment. How could you, or anyone else for that matter, ever even consider that to be 'dealing' with her?! What?

At least you were getting all choked up, right? Ah, just explain to her what happened.

foiled 15

As long as she's not a love interest you're good.

olpally 32

It's okay op, just explain what happened if she lets you, if not, don't worry about it too much. F her life too for her parents getting divorced too. :/ no win situation.

icepick23 12

At least you didn't choke on some chicken.