By Adios Career - 26/11/2015 16:27 - United States

Today, a great job I have been wanting to apply for opened for applications. Turns out it requires a clean background with no credit issues. I recently got a notice saying my wife and I are being sued over an unpaid $140 medical bill that she neglected to pay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 130
You deserved it 2 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you pay it post-haste and talk to the parties involved, they may simply drop the suit without it getting into your check.

FYL OP, She's ruining both your credit. :/


If you pay it post-haste and talk to the parties involved, they may simply drop the suit without it getting into your check.

first of all, medical bills don't appear on credit reports. secondly, if you pay, it drops right off with no record of it ever being there

If they're in collections they definitely show up on credit reports.

Unpaid medical bills definitely DO show up on your report...believe me I know..

FYL OP, She's ruining both your credit. :/

crazytwinsmom 25

OP is responsible for bills too, not just the wife. Why didn't he take part in paying the bills? He can't complain if he won't participate.

Presumably because the bill came addressed to his wife and he doesn't routinely open his wife's mail and therefore knew nothing about the bill?

crazytwinsmom 25

Admittedly, we are both making a lot of assumptions, since there isn't much detail in the FML.

mds9986 24

Well is the debt under her and not you?

I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's the option that makes this situation an FML. You know, the reason the OP even bothered to put in the detail about needing clean credit.

If you're married, your credit "merges" so your spouses credit issues (or lack there of) becomes yours and vice versa.

I'm not sure that's how it work 15, my husband and I are married, but our credit is our own. It's just if one of us were to have bad credit, and then apply for joint financing on something, we may be denied because one of us has credit issues. But if my husband had the issues, it would not affect me if I were to apply for credit on my own. I'm assuming, in the case of this FML, that the insurance is under OP's name, but the wife was in charge of paying the bill.

RedPillSucks 31

marital debt is joint debt. you do have separate credit scores, however.

time for her to become your ex wife. I hope you don't have kids... or you can just pay the damn fine

Yes, divorce the (assumed) love of his life because she didn't pay a medical bill

Common mate, Dump/divorce/leave them is the go to comment for any relationship mentioned fml. Get used to it.

#13 #16 I feel like yall missed the joke here..

#6 presented the OP with two options: the painstaking process of divorce (and the effect it would have on potential kids) and "just" paying the fine. Given the wording he used, which option does he actually make sound more appealing—is he legitimately advocating for divorce?

time for her to become your ex wife. I hope you don't have kids... or you can just pay the damn fine

Posting twice doesn't increase your chances of getting thumbed up you know.

zeffra13 31

Usually if you say the payment notices got lost in the mail, they'll just make you pay a late fee or something. I'm not following how your wife not paying a bill means you're getting sued though, unless you're on the insurance policy together?

Maybe OP means the bill has gone to collections. That can affect your credit score.

Most, again most hospitals don't post delinquent bills on credit anymore. Just so you know.

If it's sent to collection, that can affect your credit score. It happened to me four years ago.

if you don't pay it then they will send it to collection which is reported and out of their hands. this isn't just a delinquent bill. it's a bill that has not been paid and attempts to collect it have not been successful.

I feel like a lawsuit is more expensive for them than the actual bill is.