By fuckedover - 26/02/2013 16:43 - United States

Today, a guy I went on one date with asked me out again via text. Being honest, I texted back, politely saying that he was a good guy but I wasn't really interested. He came over to my house, screaming about how awful I was for "text message breaking up with him" and then cracked my windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 454
You deserved it 4 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You should have called the cops on him for being an insane asshole

jackeechan 10

Thats what being friendzoned does to people.

More like this is why people get "friendzoned". The whiny "friendzoned" people are just assholes pretending to be nice to get something in return. Not to mention that most of the time they chase way out of league, want someone because of their looks and then cry when they get rejected for the same reason and claim the other person is "shallow". As if people are obliged to date them because they ACT nice.

Sooo.. he wasn't a nice guy... Dodged the bullet on that one lol

GofuckY0urSe1f 2

immature twat you dodged a bullet there

randybryant799 20

Wow. He's obviously nuts. Hope he doesn't bother you again.