By fuckedover - 26/02/2013 16:43 - United States

Today, a guy I went on one date with asked me out again via text. Being honest, I texted back, politely saying that he was a good guy but I wasn't really interested. He came over to my house, screaming about how awful I was for "text message breaking up with him" and then cracked my windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 454
You deserved it 4 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Never let them know where you live right away, then the crap isn't on your doorstep.

perdix 29

These days, you can't be too careful -- you just don't say no to anyone. Go out on that second date, without showering or shaving. Be loud, rude and obnoxious. Go on and on about your cats, Jesus, Amway products and your theories of race including the n-word and other epithets. Order lots of food and eat none of it and let it go to waste. You'll never hear from him again and your precious car will be safe.

Given that it's you, perdix, I know this was tongue-in-cheek, but I have had the psycho cat lady routine work as a way to run guys off. Sorry, OP, better luck next time!

perdix 29

#51, back in the day, I had the cranky, crybaby, stick-in-the-mud routine down so well, I could break free from even the most obsessive Stage 5 clinger.

xBunnehAddict 5

That's perfect! You are very smart, sir.

Better a cracked windshield now than a cracked jaw later. No doubt someone of that caliber would have resorted to physical violence had he been allowed to get any closer to you psychologically. Definitely file a police report, or at least let this guy know that you are capable and willing to involve the police if he doesn't back off. Good luck!

olpally 32

You must live in psycho-ville and ray finkle is this psycho. Geez..

CharresBarkrey 15
olpally 32


3rdbass 9

He probably told his parents he had a girlfriend now.

eaglerob 20

Better your windshield than your head, which was probably after date #2

doglover100 28