By cj1012 - 08/07/2012 03:16 - United States

Today, a homeless man started to wet himself in the recliner at the coffee shop where I work. He then walked all the way to the bathroom, only to finish urinating in a puddle right in front of the bathroom door. Guess who cleaned it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 407
You deserved it 1 870

Same thing different taste


9inchesSoft 11

There's a lot of things I put up with where I work, but cleaning up someone else's piss is where I would have to say no. That's just one of the things that I'm not willing to do for $8 an hour.

curlyfry33 8

I can't quite do much with your comment, it's to large to thumb up or down

22cute 17

You can ask, sure. But what's his motivation? What has he got to lose by refusing? Exactly....nothing. Not even his dignity.

These homeless man stories make me wonder how they think they can just get away with this stuff like it's not even a big deal.

I hope you took the mop and beat him about the head with it after cleaning up his piss

linkinpark98 23

At least your getting paid for it? Yeah, never mind, that still is super gross.

It's one thing to be homeless if you lost your job or your house, but filthy scum drunkin homeless people should be taken off the street. You shouldn't have even let him in the coffee shop. Disgusting.

AliceLockehart 18

If you're on an iPhone, swipe from left to right on the comment :)

Homeless people, they never learn...