By Anonymous - 11/03/2013 02:47 - United States - Louisville

Today, a man I once worked with passed away. He was a lovely, caring, and inspirational person whom I looked up to. My husband's form of consolation? "Old people die. Get over it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 932
You deserved it 4 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, unfortunately the old die, I hope this great man was able to pass on his experience and intelligence before he passed. Just today I had a discussion about how society seems to be evolving slower socially, because the young refuse to learn from the old.

caplox 6

Yeah doesnt mean he has to be a jerk about it.


Neyuu 18

It's always sad when someone we respect passes away. However, we can't let someone elses death take over our lives. He could have been a tad more sensitive.

perdix 29

He was probably secretly overjoyed that there was one less male to compete for your affection. Now, you'll think his neglect is "normal" and what you deserve.

How will you treat your husband on his deathbed? Smh

Bubbelz 25

Clearly not a 'Tuesdays With Morrie' type of guy. I'm willing to bet, that in 30 years, when he needs help getting off the can that he will change his tune...than you can have your sweet revenge!

You tell to him the fun and games are over and he sleep on the couch till he dies that'll fix that lint licker

I know this sounds mean but he was an old coworker... Yes you respected him and yes it's sad he died but if you were reacting very strongly over the death if someone you hadn't seen in a while and he probably never met you can't really expect him to be the most emotional person. People in general die. It sucks but you have to move on. And you can't exactly expect people to be sad or even know what to say when try dot even know the person..

He didn't have to be emotional about it, but he could have at least been sensitive for his wife's sake. Obviously she was upset about it.

Yea but if she is being over sensitive like crying for a long time or something then he may have just been exasperated by the whole thing and just told her. But if she was just sad about it then yea he probably should be a bit more sensitive.