By Anonymous - 06/05/2011 18:09 - Saudi Arabia

By Anonymous - 06/05/2011 18:09 - Saudi Arabia
By mikey51 - 10/03/2012 01:56 - Australia
By fucking cat - 02/03/2024 08:00 - United States
By obtuse_ballsack - 04/06/2012 20:37 - Croatia - Zagreb
By unknown - 13/12/2011 02:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/07/2017 05:29 - United States - Irving
By Anonymous - 11/07/2022 10:00
By wowdadreally - 23/12/2014 20:46 - United States - College Station
By jack s.b. - 14/11/2013 22:15 - United States - Austin
By fuckbucket14 - 14/04/2012 22:56 - Egypt - Hurghada
By Cynical - 30/03/2009 03:49 - United States
I have never heard the expression "spanking the ferret" before. I literally thought that he was spanking a pet ferret until his dad started knocking. Whoops :/
28-- Because they're assholes who act like rabid dogs when they see they have a chance to become 1st. So, they quickly rush, in hopes to get some sort of fulfillment or meaning their life, to comment like their life depends on it. To make the process faster, they write seemingly stupid comments such as "hahaha," "lol," "lmao," or dear I say the word that sends all mods to an anger frenzy: "First!" People who write first, with some incredibly stupid comment, should just follow it up with, "(Im'a douchebag.) Should lol or haha or lmao be considered a comment? They should get moderated for being so annoying!
46- it's better than first ...
seriously? this is a website. you clearly are giving too much of a **** if you're writing novels about the content in first comments. use all that energy you put in lipping randoms and put it in bettering your community.
73- i think u just wrote a novel also!
112- I thought the exact same!! lol
wait .. ferret? omg it's a dick! so he's calling his dick hairy? I dnt think he means 'spanking' either wats staying power..? ur from Saudi Arabia on a mostly English speaking website.. plz dnt let us be confused with pumping ur dick to animal abuse so confusing ):
same it took me a while to figure it out i thoght his dad thought he was jacking off when he was just hitting his pet ferrot
choke the chicken. beating the meat. releaseing potential children out to the wilderness. but why hit a poor ferret? of all things to do in a bathroom...
29-But isn't he second?
48-- When OP wrote "Spanking the ferret," he meant he was masturbating. Does life seem more clear now?
Oh whoops this FML inspired me to go out and spank a ferret
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywaywhy were you beating your pet ferret?
I like petting my pussy.
42- That comment was made so much better by the cat in your picture.
So it took me a while to realize what he was referring to. I'm usually on top of these things, but I've never heard if this one before. But hey, maybe the sick **** really was abusing his pet ferret?
I'm just gonna take this opportunity to say I might actually hit a ferret, because they're ******* disgusting. *prepares weaponry for PETA-scumfuck ranting*
Why didn't he say penis? Is he 5?
I think it's a cultural thing. I mean Americans say "beat the/my meat"
I wonder how you would've response to him saying he was buffing the banana
hahahahaha and this comment has 69 likes...
LOL omg i'm dying, all this new terminology is killing me
This comment has probably the most likes I've ever seen haha
I like ur cat -42
Heres some I found.... Slap yo meat,beat the duck,handle your snake,flail the penis, choke it out, and finally abuse the ferret
Yes, I enjoy spanking ferret's too, or maybe even squirrels, thats also something that makes me happy, too bad they are too hard to spank sometimes and come at you.
I voted up just for your pic
I don't get it why was he spanking a ferret? :/
ahahahahaha thats just funny mate... yer dad is kool.
I'm really not much of a grammar Nazi. But your spelling just pisses me off. Seriously, try not to type like a 3 year old.
What did gayboii "do?" I've seen people question his appearance multiple times.
21- piss of ya prick, he's Scottish aswell as me, we speak like that, deal wi it
I don't give a **** what you are. It's not hard to use semi-proper English.
his uhhh... His name is gayboii. I think that's enough reason
Oh the joys of coming across my old FML comments. -_-
No. He means his balls. DISCLAIMER: Never spank your balls. Unless you plan to film it and put it on YouTube.
I'm calling PETA just to be sure
why were you beating your pet ferret?
42- That comment was made so much better by the cat in your picture.