By Anonymous - 20/07/2013 21:31 - Canada - Toronto

Today, a man stopped me on the street. He said the stretch marks on my thighs looked like cuts, and asked me if I self-harmed. Before I was able to politely respond "No", he said, "I mean, I can see why you would." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 581
You deserved it 3 975

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who even asks that question to a stranger in the first place? And what they added on made them even more of a dick

After his insult, you should have said, "However I do perform grievous bodily harm", and let loose on him.


DKjazz 20

I can't tell if he was being intentionally cruel, or if he was a genuinely concerned Samaritan with chronic foot-in-mouth syndrome.

Evil_Wench 16

To be fair, saying "I can see why you would" could mean anything from "Omg! Ur so ugly! lol" to " I can see why you would because... the world sucks/you're a young woman which is the stereotype/etc". However, it is still a really inappropriate thing to comment on and he should have minded his own damn business.

hopsinlove17 26

I agree with the "mind your own business" part. However, that man is a stranger with no right to bring OP down whatsoever.

1- Who asks a question like that so blatantly and freely? 2- Even if you did self-harm, it isn't his business! Forget him OP. He's scum.

How can people be so incredibly rude! Where did he get the idea that that kind of behaviour is unacceptable. Sorry about that jerk OP, I'm sure you're a beautiful person inside and out :)

What a butt munch. No reason for him to ask questions like that.

LOL! Ouch! What a ****.. Hes a ********. Forget him OP, but if you have stretch marks from being overweight maybe its time to get your sex appeal in order and get healthy and tanned.

Plenty of people who aren't overweight get stretch marks. My sister has them (more than me) and she's underweight! Even if OP had stretch marks from being overweight, that doesn't mean she's still overweight either?! I lost 50lbs and unfortunately the stretch marks remain :( Whatever though, the fact remains that this guy who spoke to OP is an insensitive pig... both to people with a few stretch marks and people who self harm.

I like how you equate tan with healthy.

@28 How did I equate the two? I said healthy AND tanned, I didnt say the two were the same. I said the latter because it would enhance her image and therefore her self esteem and her appeal.

AuraX 7

Being tan doesn't enhance everyone's image nor their perception of themselves. Excessive UV exposure is not going to be the solution to this girls potential self-image issues.

@38 Umm yes it does enhance someones image by making them look more attractive. If they look better they will feel better and have more confidence. And if you're going to reply then please don't just contradict me but actually include reasoning.

I find a natural tan only makes stretch marks more noticeable. They're like scars so stay white while the rest of you browns... so annoying :(

Whether tan makes someone more attractive is subjective. I, for one love pale people. Don't equate a tan with sex appeal.

@43 I think its fair to say the majority of people find the ability to develop a beautiful tan attractive. Especially for guys, noone likes a pale chest.

MerrikBarbarian 9

41- look more attractive to you maybe. Not everyone can tan. Those of us with Irish blood just burn, and lobster red ain't sexy. My partner finds my paleness sexy. No need for me to fake a tan. A lot of people find pale girls with hair and make up done beautiful because they look like dolls. Regarding your other comment... I have stretch marks. I wear a small or extra small... Or a kids medium to large. Should I lose weight? Not everyone with stretch marks is overweight.

I just want to mention its ironic that you called the guy on the street a ******** and a **** then in the same breath decided to join him.... High five for teamwork on making women with imperfections feel like they aren't good enough!

@51 Actually the only people who can't tan now are albinos, look up 'Melanotan II'. I used to be pale. And as for about marks, I said IF they overweight, I didnt say they were.

@54 Please try at least garner just a little bit of intelligence before you reply to me. I suggested a solution to OP's problems, IF a certain factor had caused them. The man in the FML saw what he thought were self harm scars, and then implied it was good that she did it because of her appearance, which is despicable. I said nothing of the same that this man did, so really you are just talking crap and obviously you are over sensitive and unstable.

Have you evidence of your ludicrous claims that tan is more or less universally sexy? Think about the whole world, the different continents. Are you saying the majority of guys, regardless of location, find tan sexy? And having irish skin myself, we do not tan.

I guess many of us Irish folk are ugly or unattractive then seeing as we're not tanned? Hmm we don't even know if OP is tanned or not. Maybe she is already thin and tanned - I've no idea where you got the idea she wasn't just because someone pointed out her stretch marks?

lol sorry I dont find orange sexy. Depends what kind of stretch marks as to wether the tan covers them or not. Some people get them and others dont. I got them when I put on weight due to medication and it was only couple kgs. One my friends been overweight for years and never had them. Everybod is different. Some people will like tans and others wont.

44: my boyfriend has a farmers tan. His face, neck, arms and legs are all tan, but his chest is snow white, and guess what? I love his pale chest. also, the only people who can't tan aren't just albinos... I can't tan at all because my skin is so fair and delicate that I burn.

Guys, what Aestheticguy is trying to say is that he's a judgemental and shallow douche. Tan equals sexy about as much as skin cancer equals healthy. Sorry but yes, pale Irish are damn sexy.

44--you would be wrong. I do not prefer tan, muscles or clubs. Stop generalizing and stop pushing what you think is attractive onto op. For all you know op is black and has a year round tan and is in perfect shape.

I guess according to 24, my lovely sister who got more of the Swedish traits In our family, is ugly because she doesn't tan.

MerrikBarbarian 9

High five for Irish pride all my fellow Irish. Those with very fair skin don't tan. Just because you can chemically induce a tan, doesn't mean everyone can or should. Irish are prone to burning and skin cancer. Hardly healthy. My partner would hate seeing me tanned. He loves how with my pale skin and long curly hair I look like a china doll, very classically elegant vs "American sexy". There is more than one kind of beauty.

Aestheticguy: I love my pale guy. Tan is NOT hot to everyone. Considering that I'm not white, it's a pretty unbiased stance. ...and just FYI, in a game of '****, Marry, Kill' you'd be six feet under.

@62 Most people in Western Society see a healthy, not overdone, REAL tan as attractive yes. @63 Since when did I say someone is ugly if they are not tanned? If anything its like a bonus, it just helps. Tanning doesnt make or break someones attractiveness, stop thinking black and white. @66 Neither do I, glad my girlfriend or I, or any of the girls Ive been with dont use fake tan, looks like the little men off Willy Wonka. @68 read the whole of my comment before you reply to it. I said because of Melanotan II everyone but albinos can tan, look it up. @72 LOL ahaha, so I'm a douche just because I think most people think a tan is a sexy bonus? Hahaha what is wrong with you? Ahhh from Texas. Ahh well, shouldnt have expected much. @74 Well i was talking about mainstream, not about you. And if OP was black then the guy wouldnt have seen the stretch-marks ;) @80 Mmm yes, because I definitely said 'Anyone who doesnt have a tan is ugly" . Please, if you are going to be childish and talk rubbish then just dont comment on here. @82 Oh well I'm actually part Irish, so WHOOOOO, ROCK ON. Btw I'm sorry for the oppression your people are receiving from your government at the moment. And if you're too fair to tan then look up Melanotan II :D @84 aww, cute. I'll make sure to tell that to the modelling agency I've worked for.

monnanon 13

acrually 56 yoy did. you told OP to change everything about herself becaus of a strangers comment. while i can see that you meant well it can be really damaging to hear that sort of thing for those that already lack self esteem. as for the tan comments i am scots irish, the most milk bottle pale breed of human in the world and i can pick up a bit of colour in the summer but it looks very odd. plus the freckles come out in force too. yes tan slin is very often associated with health and good looks but so is the english rose look which is very pale skin.

90: You can see stretch marks on black people and in a lot of cases they are more visible on dark skin. What planet are you from?

Funny reply to me, since everyone here is in agreement a tan doesn't exactly mean sexy. Yes I'm in Texas, but not from Texas. The state of residence doesn't determine intelligence. Get over yourself.

monnanon 13

@90 do you work for that tan company or something? also if your tan was not caused by thr sun then it is fake. doesnt matter how advanced it is it is still fake. albinos cannot tan not one bit. they do not have any colour pigment in thier skin.

Who isn't part Irish these days?! We get around I guess :P You are being a bit insensitive that's all I'm saying. The people here who, like me, don't tan easily are obviously going to be offended by you saying people who are tanned are more attractive. Attractiveness is not that simple. I find my natural skin colour is actually popular with some people and I get complimented on my clear skin, dark hair, dark eyes combo all the time. I suppose we all shouldn't be so quick to dole out advice on looks to other people, to each their own! :)

perdix 29

Calm down, he was only joking. He was just trying to be a . . . *lowers sunglasses* cut-up ;)

OMG, OP! What a jackhole! I hope you kicked that F-nugget RIGHT into touch!

mommykrissy_05 7

What a prick! If someone points out to a cutter their cuts it just makes them want to cut again. Then he insulted you. Some people have no common sense at all!

the ignorance of that man baffles me, I'm sure your gorgeous dont let that douche get you down.