By Anonymous - 14/09/2013 15:04 - Canada - Whitecourt

Today, a man walked into the bank I work at and asked what he would need in order to open an account. I had to look him in the eyes with a straight face, say, "Two pieces of identification," and ask him to put some pants on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 483
You deserved it 3 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, I think you deserve a medal. How long after he left could you keep the straight face?


Well that's a new one...can you get him for indecent exposure?

Another FML user who thinks everything requires legal action.

TheDrifter 23

The sign says "no shirt, no shoes, no service" it doesn't say anything at all about pants.

Pancakes017 19
llnursingll 10

poor guy, probably suffers from a mental illness or something at least you weren't mean and you need a raised at work.

graceinsheepwear 33

Well, the sign said no shoes, no shirt, no service. He complied with that. Awww, sorry 17. Just saw that.

TheDrifter 23

Ah, it seems I type just a little too slow.

jw90 18

I'm terribly sorry about that. I left my house in a rush because I wanted to make it before everyone else got there and you guys got busy. But in my haste I seemed I have forgot my pants.

jasmine2301 25

I don't know why you're getting down-voted this is funny.

"Sure, let me just get my wallet out. Damn!"

And you kept a straight face how? I would of been laughing my ass off.