By Anonymous - 14/09/2013 15:04 - Canada - Whitecourt

Today, a man walked into the bank I work at and asked what he would need in order to open an account. I had to look him in the eyes with a straight face, say, "Two pieces of identification," and ask him to put some pants on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 483
You deserved it 3 040

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, I think you deserve a medal. How long after he left could you keep the straight face?


Pretty sure its just "No shirt, No shoes, No service" there's nothing about pants

I feel so incredibly sorry for you. I once was put in the position to politely ask two coworkers to cease having sex in the company bathroom. I imagine this situation as equally awkward.

glitterbomb13 4

What is this world coming to complete idiots out there

I'm impressed you kept from laughing!

Well, you got 3 pieces if information...