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Free money glitch

By Anonymous - 22/03/2009 01:41 - United States

Today, I went to withdraw 200 dollars. At the ATM, I noticed a suspicious man standing really close to me. I was nervous about entering my pin number, and worried he was looking at my account information. In my panic, I got all the way home before realizing that I'd left the cash in the machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 603
You deserved it 83 465

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow. Guess it worked out for him. I don't see how you could get so nervous about something.. you completely forget it. Either way, FYL.

lol mayb that was his plan, to freak you out into forgetting your money


ryguy997 0

I hav no idea how you could forget something like that espcialy since that was the whole reason you were there. you forgetful person you. and how did it take that long to remember it?

plum_lovin 28

That was probably his plan the whole time...

***ATTENTION ALL FUTURE VISITORS**** If you enter your pin in backwards, it notifies the police of the ATM location and sends a distress signal. If you're phone is dead or youre at an ATM and you feel threatened, you can enter it backwards. It's on EVERY ATM! ***************

Wow. Guess it worked out for him. I don't see how you could get so nervous about something.. you completely forget it. Either way, FYL.

I would never be able to just forget my cash there. I've heard of people going through drive thrus and forgetting to pick up the things they ordered, and just driving away .. but cash, wow!

Umm.. You must have mental problems.. Forgetting to take the cash? HA, you deserved that one. I congratulate the guy that stole your money.

lol mayb that was his plan, to freak you out into forgetting your money

alex_vik 0

Good job, you had no reason to freak out like that.

agree with #6. Seriously, maybe you should have more faith in people. I mean, unless he was in a hoodie and carrying a blunt weapon or something i could understand, but maybe you shouldn't assume he was trying to get your account info. He might just not understand personal space or something. Or maybe he was in a hurry, who knows. YDI big time. Good for the guy that got some free money, although i will admit that he was a semi-dick for not pointing out you left your money, unless he noticed that you thought he was a creep and wanted to get you back.

go back maybe its still there...Notttt wow fyl

Idiot. YDI. Well done anon for your free $200.