By ugly - 10/07/2011 06:03 - United States

Today, a total stranger on the bus called me hideous and threw a soda in my face. I only asked him if the seat next to him was taken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 185
You deserved it 3 515

Same thing different taste


XxThrasherxX 0

I dont think it was taken....

people do that kind of thing just to have a seat to themselves. I had a guy once tell me that I shouldn't sit next to him on the bus because he pee'd his pants. the bad thing was that he really did.

Screwing him hardly seems like an appropriate response. Besides, I don't think he would consent anyway, considering he called her hideous.

I may be mistaken, but isn't throwing liquids on someone a form of assault? It is reprehensible and jerkish behavior in any event, but it could be a matter for the police to take a hand in.

The police would not get involved, too minor.

cut him!!! and say it was atimted rape!

that will teach you to talk to anyone

thats CRAZY!! some wants a BITCH SLAP!

Melissaxrosex 5

Wow, so many displeasing comments. Youre all losers. **** off. Maybe she was wearing something comfortable and not ******* like showy. Shes most likely really pretty. Stop the immaturity and grow up.