By EpicFail - 11/01/2009 20:59 - United States

Today, a woman at the crowded mall stopped me and told me loudly that if I bought her product it would get rid of my acne. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 860
You deserved it 2 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chocolate_Chunk 2

if you are a woman, hit her. If you are a man and pro gender equality, hit her. If you are a man and a sexist, swear at her.

tell her if she shuts the **** up right now it will get rid of her black eye.


Next time yell out loud that if she got a proper education, it would help her crappy job at the mall selling acne products problem.

redhedsaysrawr 18

Same thing happened to me. Except it was at a car convention, and she whispered it. On a headset.

SInce when is it okay to be rude and point out people's flaws that way>?

And that's when id say "at least i can get rid of my acne. nothing can fix your ugly ass."

mostly foreign people tend to do that to/ around me. it makes me furious.

Some girl selling hair straighteners in the mall here offered to straighten my hair and I sat there for 5 minutes while she did my hair and made comments about how fat my face is.

purplegold 19

I need her to do better....