By rileynautumn - 13/06/2011 19:04 - United States

Today, after a full shift at work, I got home to my boyfriend playing CoD, a full sink, crap all over the table, a full cat box, dirty bathroom, no laundry done and the kids at my parents' house. He yelled at me because the place was a mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 237
You deserved it 9 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

Tell me his user, so I can butt **** him with the chopper.

Lazy. If he's living there too then he should take part in cleaning.


ibetonthecubs 3
angelhernandez11 0

he is your boyfriend, not your maid! i would be pissed about being yelled at because of the mess, but i certainly would not expect him to clean up and maintain your place when he is not even married to you, unless this is a same sex relationship in which case if you maintain your house like that already it is beyond me why you would adopt kids to add on to the work load

IAmTheHeavens 0

You sir, are a douche to the highest degree.

Unless... you know, the boyfriend MADE the mess. In which case he should absolutely be the one picking it up. OR, if they are long term and living together and just not married, it should still be an effort from both not just the OP to keep the house clean and take care of the kids.

there's nothing stopping them from separating if he isn't keeping up his end of the deal, but if he's there to care for the kids, why on earth would they have the kids in the first place? they seem to be the source of the problem if they are the ones who are holding everyone else back, but of course he didn't use a condom and she couldn't keep her legs closed so bam, a couple little monsters to make their lives worse, plus from the way it sounds, our hard earned money is going right out of our paychecks and into paying for their xbox

IAmTheHeavens 0

Tell him you won't make him sandwiches anymore and then break his xbox. If he doesn't clean the house at least he'll leave. so it's win/win.

HairArtist1989 0

men are assholes the worst part is that they don't think there doing anything wrong.. we have to do EVERYTHING! I would sit him down like a child and give him a talk cuz he's acting like a child..

Oh yay, let's generalize all males. Androphobic.

noboundary 9

Being androphobic means being afraid of males. Just because this person is generalizing a gender doesn't mean they are androphobic. Actually they stated that "men are all the same and they have to take care of them" which implies they've been with a man before therefore they aren't in any way androphobic. 

sparxva 12

He probably wanted you to make him a sandwich too.

also would it kill you to keep your legs closed, if the children are the source of the problem you should have used a condom or some other form of sexual protection, or there is always the abortion route, if your already to far in you could always put them up for adoption

sugaboo 1

How the hell did you get that the kids were the problem? She was pissed because he pawned them off on her parents instead of being a parent.

yes but she would most likely not have to deal with him if they did not have the kids, she prob relies on him to help support the kids, therefore there is no way for him to get away, or else she will take him to court and create a huge fuss, yet she prob will not let him go just because she wants to hold power over him :P

purrplelover 2

and this man is still your boyfriend why?